Let’s start off with your Pokemon’s IV. IV stands for individual value It’s a number selected at random that affects your Pokemon’s stat can be its best. An IV can be anywhere from 0-31 There is no way to change this IV, and there is no way to easily find out. However, I can give some tips and tricks on how to find out if your Pokemon has a stat that has an IV of 31.
Let’s talk about its characteristic When a Pokemon has a specific feature, it can tell you which of your Pokemon’s stats is the highest IV and what its IV is. There are 30 features, but only 6 of them mean that your Pokemon has a iV of 31. If your Pokemon’s characteristic is Often dozes off, your Pokemon’s highest stat is HP, and may possibly have an IV of 31. If your Pokemon’s characteristic is Likes to thrash about its attack on its highest stat, and could possibly have an IV of 31. If your Pokemon’s characteristic is Capable of taking hits, its defense is its highest stat, and possibly a IV of 31 buy pokemon go account.
If your Pokemon’s characteristic Is Alert to sounds, its speed is its highest stat, and could possibly have a IV of 31. If your Pokemon’s characteristic is Mischievous, its special attack is its highest stat, and may possibly be 31. If your Pokemon’s characteristic is Alert to sounds , its speed is its highest stat, and could possibly have an IV of 31. If your Pokemon’s characteristic is somewhat vain, its special defense is its highest stat, and possibly a fourth of 31. This means that if your Pokemon’s characteri stic is anything but the characteristics mentioned in this article, you can say immediately that none of its stats can possibly have an IV of 31.
Now about its nature There are 25 natures in the game, 20 of which affect your Pokemon’s stats. There are 4 natures that increase the attack of a Pokemon – Adamant, Brave, Lonely, and Naughty, and 4 that decrease it – Bold, Calm, Modest, and Timid There are 4 natures that increase the defense stat of a Pokemon – Bold, Impish, Lax, and Relaxed, and 4 that decrease it – Gentle, Hasty, Lonely, and Mild There are 4 natures that increase the speed of a Pokemon – Hasty, Jolly, Naive, and Timid, and 4 that decrease it – Brave, Quiet, Relaxed, and Sassy. There are 4 natures that the particular attack stat of a Pokemon – Mild, Modest, Quiet, and Rash, and 4 that decrease it – Adamant, Careful, Impish, and Jolly. There are 4 natures that increase the special defense stat of a Pokemon – Calm, Careful, Gentle, and Sassy, and 4 that decrease it – Lax, Naive, Naughty, and Rash.